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YouTube Not Delivering As Fast As You Expected? These 6 Things Will Keep You Going Right On.

Video Engagement_Crackitt

The online audience loves video content. The consumption of videos has been on the rise and there is no sign of saturation.

So it is natural for brands to jump on the video wagon to reap benefits. And when one thinks of video, Youtube is the first ‘keyword’ that comes to mind.

But Youtube success isn’t easy. About 300 hours of video content is uploaded to Youtube every minute! So for your video to shine, optimisation is necessary.

If your Youtube videos aren’t delivering as fast as you expected, here are 6 things that will keep you going:

Video Content

Before you head on to optimise your video for Youtube success, it is crucial to ensure that your video has the following qualities-

  • The ability to Engage

The key to video success is engagement. For ads, the trick is to engage your viewers in the first few seconds so they stick around till the end and get converted into actual customers. For other video content also, keep in mind that the engagement reduces with the increase in length.

  • The power of Storytelling

The demand for video content is on the rise because of its ability to weave a story. For your audience, it is easier to remember information that is knitted in a story. So for your video to deliver results, effective storytelling is crucial.

Video Optimisation
  • Keyword stuffing

Keywords are essential for Youtube success. Use the keywords in the title and description section of your video. Enrich your video by writing out the complete transcript.

  • Thumbnail

Custom thumbnails which entice the viewers and also give a brief idea about the video content work well in engaging the user. So make sure that you pick a good frame from your video for the thumbnail.

  • Call-to-action

When a brand is using Youtube to boost its presence, it makes sense that success is translated into results only when your objective is achieved; objective could either be driving more traffic to website or increase product sales. This is only possible with an effective call to action in your video.

  • Mobile optimisation

Since a large chunk of users now watch videos on mobile device, it is crucial to focus on optimising your video for these mobile users. Here is an exhaustive guide to optimising Youtube videos for mobile devices.

Closing Thoughts

The road to Youtube success is filled with some mandatory milestones that you must cross. And in order to do that, you need to focus on optimising your video content-wise and work on making it searchable.


Deepasha is a visual marketer, founder of Crackitt, and consumer behaviour aficionado. She helps businesses & organisations hone their identities, craft their brands, and share their truths using beautiful handmade animated videos and compelling infographics.


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