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4 Promises You, The Marketer, Must Make Yourself This February

February is infused with love. And like everyone else, we are celebrating this month by making some promises…But of a different kind.

And we won’t call them resolutions because we tend to forget them as the days pass. We call them promises because we love what we do. And we are sure, that you do too.

“That’s what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.”

John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

So, here we have compiled a list of 4 promises that you, the marketer, must make this February:

  1. I will create a content calendar and stick to it


With a scheduled content strategy in place, you can spend your energy on other aspects of your marketing plan.

Not documenting your content strategy puts you in the “I love the sound of deadlines as they pass by” category. And it is not a great place to be in.

Put down your monthly tasks in a sheet, jot down the deadlines and set reminders.



Creating content is half the story. You need to get your content live too. For timely publication, you can use social media scheduling softwares.

Coschedule- Content Planner


Also, don’t forget to document your journey. Write down your goals, current milestones and success metrics. So when the month is done and dusted, you can track how much you actually achieved.

53% of B2B experts follow this habit and produce real results.

  1. I will invest in video content


Video can help you climb up the SERP ladder, increase your visibility, help you get more traffic and conversions.

A dominant digital content format, video is predicted to make 80% of all internet traffic by 2021.

This shift has been shaped by the audience’s growing appetite for video content; videos are engaging, they are worth 1.8 million words per minute and are easily digestible.

video statistics


Most brands have already tapped into these advantages.

Additionally, this content format comes with a platter of options: adverts, explainer videos, Vlogs, webinars, live videos, 360 formats, virtual reality, product reviews, testimonials etc.

In this time of “Videogeddon”, it makes sense to invest in video production. And spend consistently. The rewards are too many.

  1. I will think ‘mobile-first’


if you don’t think “mobile” now, you will be left behind.

Mobile Audience GIF by Crackitt


83% of all traffic in US is expected to be mobile this year.

And Google’s mobile-first index is here too which will give a boost to the sites that offer mobile friendly user experience (demoting ones that don’t).

This mobile friendliness needs to be ensured in terms of website design, content creation and even ad campaigns.

  1. I will look beyond channels and focus on customers


Engaging a single consumer across multiple channels comes with the amazing benefit on repetition. This makes brand recall easier.

Focussing on channels instead of individuals causes a wastage of efforts. In fact, this is why 90% marketers struggle to seamlessly connect more than 3 channels to the buyer’s journey.

Find your audience, see where they are present and then meet them there; it’s a folly to use the reverse approach.

Capitalise on this opportunity by emphasising more on experience strategy than channel strategy.

Customer Centricity

Before you leave

Pledge to stick to these promises this year. And keep us informed through the comment section below.


Deepasha is the founder of and a consumer behaviour aficionado. She helps businesses & organisations hone their identities, craft their brands, and share their truths using beautiful handmade animated videos and compelling infographics.


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